Back To Beginnings
In my earlier days of blogging I used to take quite a lot of my photos myself. Of course this was nothing new and I’m pretty sure you’d be hard pressed to find a fashion/beauty blogger who hasn’t (at least at one point), resorted to shooting themselves. The blogging life isn’t always as straight forward as it may appear and back in the days when I didn’t even have a tripod, I remember precariously balancing my camera on piles of shoe boxes and books, before hitting the self timer button, just to get the shot.
Obviously things have moved on a lot since then, for myself and for other bloggers alike. Photography equipment has improved, (I’ve since invested in a tripod, thankfully) and everyone seems to have massively upped their game.
These days many fashion, lifestyle and beauty blogs are just as much about the beautiful imagery as they are the written content/information. I myself enjoy both. As much as I love a good piece of written content, or an informative piece, I do love the impact certain imagery can make within a blog post too.
Earlier this year I made it an aim of mine to learn how to edit photos and become better acquainted with my camera settings. I’m going to be honest, I went years using SLRs, not really knowing what I was doing with them (oh hey there auto function).
Damien has always known how to use a camera and so adopted the role of my street style photographer (aka Instagram husband) early on and when I’m out with friends and decide to shoot my outfit, I’ll often just (now I know how), get the settings right, then pass them the camera and direct them where to shoot.
Whilst their help has been invaluable, especially as blogging has evolved into a job for me, I’ve recently been drawn to the idea of getting back into the habit of shooting myself again. I think this comes down to an amalgamation of things; One being the limited hours of daylight now it’s winter, leaving only the weekends available for Damien to take my shots, which hasn’t been happening much because we’re currently having the busiest weekends ever. Two, wanting to continuously improve on my editing skills but not having enough photos to edit. Three, being inspired by my super talented friend Onyi who takes self portraits of herself and her husband Craig, every single day (check out her daily photos here, they are seriously amazing). Four, as I mentioned in my previous post ‘Inspired by home’, I am continuously inspired by my home at the moment and I’m constantly seeing different areas that I think would be cool to shoot in.
This beautiful Free People dress arrived in the post on Saturday morning and whilst Damien was busy painting, I took the opportunity to do a quick shoot in our living room. For these shots I set the tripod up super high and angled the camera downwards to get a more aerial style shot. I really wanted to show the elegance of the dress and I think I managed to capture it quite well.
So right now I’m really finding enjoyment in taking self portraits and improving my photography skills. I’ve started using the hashtag #SamiosSelfPortraits on Instagram, so if you’re interested in seeing more of the photos I shot of myself, you can check them out all in one place there.
Samio x

I love your photoshoot! Your dress from Free People is stunning. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Jennifer.
Samio x
I love the independence that comes from being able to fully understand your own camera’s settings and being able to take your shots yourself, whether that’s out of a want or a necessity. You also did such a brilliant job taking these photos too, I mean I’m no prized editor but these all look straight out of a magazine editorial to me.
Also with the camera settings I can relate, when I first got my big Canon camera I just shot using auto all of the time and I didn’t understand why people bothered with manual, I was like why would they do that when auto is so easy? Plus I just thought I’d never be able to get the hang of manual, thank god I have now!
Julia // The Sunday Mode
I was exactly the same. It seemed like some big technical thing for so long and once you get the hang of it, it’s not actually as daunting as it seems is it. Glad I wasn’t the only one who just used to rely on auto all of the time haha. And yes it feels great once you know what you’re doing doesn’t it. You feel like you have so much more creative control. 😀
Samio x
these photos are absolutely stunning! I definitely need to get to know my camera better to improve my photography!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
Thank you Pam!
Samio x
I’d never have guessed you’d done these yourself – they look like they’re straight from a magazine! That dress looks gorgeous on you too – love!
Rachael Helpless Whilst Drying
Ah thank you Rachael. 🙂
Samio x
Nice angles with the couch ????????
Thank you! 🙂