As I scroll through my digital library my eyes flit across the screen, ‘what shall I listen to today?’ I ponder to myself. It’s 5:40am and I’m surprised to see that a new episode of the podcast I usually listen to on a Thursday (the day it goes live each week) has already gone up. ‘Efficient’, I think to myself and my thumb swiftly taps to open it up and press play. As the episode begins, I hop in the shower, and my day has officially begun.
So what’s the big deal with podcasts anyway?
I am obsessed with podcasts. Isn’t almost everyone in this day and age? That’s possibly a slight exaggeration and probably a sign of the bubble I find myself in, in which a large number of my friends and those whom I follow online, hungrily consume podcast content as if they are the elixir of life, the resolve to their problems and the essential entertainment they need to get them through their day (and for many of us, they are absolutely that).
It’s that familiar voice keeping us company as we do the washing, or that inspiring story giving us motivation as we work out in the gym, or even that hilarious conversation making us inappropriately laugh out loud during our commute. They can comfort us, they can inspire us, and they can give us some light hearted relief when we need it most, all whilst we’re getting on with other things that we need to do at the same time. Podcasts are the multitasker’s content of choice, shall we say.
I’ll readily admit I was somewhat late to the podcast party. I only really started to get into them around 2 years or so ago. I’m not fully sure how or why it started, but since then I’ve built up a little collection of favourites that ultimately serve as life advice, guidance, motivation, inspiration and sometimes even just good old fashioned humorous entertainment to get me through my week. This might be a rather bold statement, but when I really think about it, I honestly believe that podcasts have ultimately changed my life in many ways.
I work from home alone most days (regardless of the current global situation we find ourselves in), and I do admit it can get lonely and it can definitely become uninspiring at times too. So for me, listening to a podcast is like listening to an old friend. In some I find words of wisdom, in others I find a good laugh.
It might be one particular sentence or point that’s made within a particular episode that sparks a whole idea, which then leads me to create something for my work. It can be a story from an inspiring guest on a show which pushes me to re-focus and work harder on what I’m doing. Or it can even be a piece of life advice telling me to slow down. You can learn, you can laugh, you can be entertained and you can find comfort, and that’s why I love podcasts and so wanted to finally share some of my most frequently listened to ones here with you today.
I by no means claim to provide the ultimate list of podcasts, as the list which I share is of course very much tailored to my own interests and needs, but I do think there is a mix in there, so if you are on the hunt for something new to listen to, or even an introduction into the wonderful world of Podcasts, then hopefully this can provide some insight!
Put Yourself First by Kat Horrocks
I’m not being bias here, as Kats definitely not on this list just because she is actually one of my very close friends, but I actually do really love Kat’s podcast. In fact, we sparked our friendship through her podcast, which she invited me to first be a guest on about a year and a half ago now. Since then I began to listen to Kat’s podcast on a regular basis, and now it’s become an integral part of my Monday morning routine.

Kat is a life coach, who’s podcast Put Yourself First, in her exact words, consists of ‘inspiring conversations with badass women, empowering you to make time for your personal goals and put yourself first’…and it does exactly what it says on the tin. Kat interviews all different types of women, sharing their journey, how they have got to where they are, and how they practice self care alongside all of that.
What I love about this podcast: It’s one of those podcasts that I find each time I listen to an episode, it gives me something that I’d needed; be it a piece of advice or the reiteration to just do something. I often find myself excitedly messaging Kat to tell her what I took away from her recent episode as I always find each one so insightful.
This podcast is for you if: You want uplifting and inspiring. If you want to discover more amazing women doing awesome things in the world.
I like to listen to this podcast: On a Monday morning, which is when it goes live. I find it sets me up for my week ahead, and often leaves me feeling motivated.
Where to start: You can start on any episode with this podcast, just pick a title that you like and go from there, you’re bound to find some inspiration from each episode you listen to.
Dreamer’s Disease by Alex Manzi

Dreamer’s Disease podcast for me, is like the the male equivalent to Kat’s Put Yourself First podcast, although Alex interviews both men and women, it’s coming from a similar angle and this time from a male perspective. On this podcast Alex interviews an array of interesting and inspiring guests, as he finds out what makes them tick and how they navigate their lives and mental health, whilst doing what they love.
I discovered Alex’s podcast after listening to an episode with blogger Samantha Maria, last year. After really enjoying the conversations they had in that episode, I swiftly subscribed and have been listening ever since.
What I love about this podcast: I really like how conversation around mindfulness is a big part of this podcast. It’s not just about focusing on people’s end goals but their continual journeys. I’m often left feeling super inspired after listening to a conversation between Alex and one of his guests he’s had on the show.
This Podcast is for you if: You like deep and interesting conversations. If you want insight into how other people navigate their lives, and if you want to feel inspired.
I like to listen to this podcast: During my working week, usually on a Thursday when it goes live. It’s a good boost of motivation to get me through the end of my working week.
Where to start: As I mentioned, I started with the episode with blogger Samantha Maria, which you can find here, but any episodes that sound of interest to you is a good place to start. Keeping things current (to the time of writing this), I also enjoyed this more relaxed episode which was a conversation with Alex and his friend’s around the current situation on working from home whilst in quarantine, here.
Creative Rebels by David Speed and Adam Brazier
It’s funny with interview style podcasts, it’s like opening yourself up to a whole new network of people you never knew existed, and more often than not, one podcast will lead me to another. Like in this instance, I discovered Creative Rebels podcast whilst listening to them as guests on the Dreamer’s Disease podcast.
This podcast is hosted by business partners and professional graffiti artists David and Adam, who interview fellow creatives

who have took their businesses full time, and ultimately ‘rebelled’ against the conventional 9-5.
What I love about this podcast: I only discovered this one more recently, but I’m finding it to be a good one at keeping me sane when I’m having a creative block with my own work, or simply a good one to listen to when I just want to feel re-motivated to get on with stuff.
This podcast is for you if: You’re a creative, either working for yourself full time and looking for some encouragement and motivation from fellow creatives, or if you’re wanting more insight into how to break out of your 9-5 and make your creative work your business.
I like to listen to this podcast: Anytime mid-week and usually in the morning before getting into my working day to give me a boost of inspiration/motivation.
Where to start: You can start on any episode, I guess it’s just a case of fining a guest and/or episode title that sparks your interest (and I’m sure you’ll find there’s a lot). Or if you wanted to kill two birds with one stone here and get a feel for two different podcasts on my list, you could check out the live interview episode with Dreamer’s Disease podcast and Creative Rebels podcast here.
Hashtag Authentic by Sara Tasker

This is one of those instances where I can’t quite remember where I discovered this persons work first; was it from her podcast, or her blog, or her instagram? I’m not entirely sure, but I can say she’s one of those online creators who, if you enjoy what she does, it will ultimately lead you to exploring her work on all platforms, from which you’ll be able to take something very different from each.
Sara is a full time content creator, author, mum and fellow northerner. I’ve actually been listening to her podcast for a lot longer than I’d realised before I went to write this post. Hashtag Authentic is a podcast for creatives, with lots of insight and knowledge into how to navigate the ever evolving online world. On the podcast Sara interviews a plethora of inspiring creatives, from small business owners to artists.
What I love about this podcast: The episodes are usually both heartwarming and insightful and I personally find Sara very calming to listen to.
This podcast is for you if: You’re a creative. If you enjoy listening to other creative’s stories behind how and why they do what they do. If you’re a small business owner, or creative looking for more tips and insight into how to best navigate the online world with your business.
I like to listen to this podcast: When I’m editing photos and want to be kept company by some fellow creatives having a chat, and I tend to find Sara’s episodes quite relaxing to listen to.
Where to start: There are so many brilliant and inspiring episodes but I particularly remember this episode here standing out as one of my favourites, in which Sara interviews business owner Syreeta Challinger who founded lifestyle brand Moments of Sense and Style with her husband Rob after a huge change in life circumstances. I would definitely recommend giving that one a listen!
The Reggie Yates Podcast by Reggie Yates
Switching up the content in this list quite dramatically with this one, I actually don’t even know where to start with this podcast.
I’m guessing this one will probably be a bit like marmite for most people. It’s whacky, it’s random, it’s inappropriate a lot of the time, but I love it! I was introduced to this one by my friend L’Oréal about a year and a half ago, unsure of what the premise of

the show was going to be, and simply going off the recommendation of ‘it’s so funny, you just need to listen to it’, I swiftly went back to the very beginning of the episodes and began to listen to them all in order (something I have a habit of doing with Podcasts)…and I very quickly found I was hooked.
To try and put it simply, it’s a podcast hosted by Reggie Yates (who is a well known TV presenter/Documentary maker, here in the UK, for those who maybe haven’t heard of him), along with a group of his friends; Owen, Baba and Uzo, (along with other guests from time to time) and they sit and have a chat about anything and everything. From deep chats, to childish banter, it quite literally is all the intricacies of a close friendship group laid out in all it’s glory, for us to peek inside and be a part of for an hour or so a week.
Why I love this podcast: It’s like being with a bunch of friends, those friends you can chat rubbish with, be vulnerable with and also have ridiculous banter with. Although you don’t need to listen to these episodes in order, I’d recommend going back and listening to older ones first if you can, as it’s like getting to know a group of mates, so you want to be ‘in’ with some of the recurring jokes they make on more recent episodes. They also have really inspiring guests on from time to time, which I also really enjoy, but mostly I just love this show for how much is makes me laugh.
This Podcast is for you if: You have a silly side, you don’t mind a bit of inappropriate humour, you need a bit of lighthearted relief and want a good laugh.
I like to listen to this podcast: Either on a Friday afternoon, or a Saturday morning when I’m getting ready. It gets me in a silly/giddy mood and makes me feel ready for the weekend.
Where to start: Scroll all the way back and go to episode one. If you’re getting onboard then you’re in it for the long haul with this lot, once you’re hooked, miss an episode and you might get FOMO.
Jesus and Jollof by Luvvie Ajayi and Yvonne Orji

I’m noticing a slight theme occur here with my choices of podcasts, as for each male hosted podcast I love, I seem to have an equally loved female version, and vice versa.
This is another, spit your tea out, ‘I can’t believe they just said that’, silly humoured podcast. If you hadn’t realised already, I’m someone who is either looking to be inspired, or entertained, and actually, these woman manage to do both!
Jesus & Jollof was another podcast recommendation to me by my friend L’Oréal (clearly we have the same humour) and I’m glad that I also took up her recommendation with this podcast too, because these women make me cry with laughter.
Luvvie Ajayi is an author and speaker and Yvonne Orji is an actress, (whom you may know from HBO show Insecure). In Luvvie and Yvonne’s own words, they are ‘two proudly Nigerian women (who have no behavior) talking about the things they love, their stories, and life in general’ – making me laugh out loud as they do it. And incase you were wondering, the podcast is called Jesus & Jollof because it’s two things they can’t live without, Jesus and Jollof rice.
Why I love this podcast: Did I mention I find them hilarious? I also find them to be super inspiring too, and in-between all the tomfoolery (which I of course love), they give some straight up good advice as well as insight into their background and the hard graft that’s got them both to where they are today.
This podcast is for you if: You want to be entertained and inspired at the same time. If you want a good laugh and if you enjoy high energy chit chat and hearing conversations on everything from career to life and relationships.
I like to listen to this podcast: When I’m having a break from work, or as some light hearted entertainment to listen to as a I’m cleaning or getting jobs done around the house.
Where to start: Season 1 if you can. If you get their humour, these women will have you crying with laughter at their constant jokes and accents, so much so, you’ll want to go back and listen to every episode anyway.
On Purpose by Jay Shetty (and kast media)
This podcast is one of the most recent additions to my podcast library. I say ‘recent’ addition, that still hasn’t stopped me from listening to a large number of these episodes at lightening speed.
I was recommended this podcast by my friend Chan not too long ago and it’s since become one of my favourites to listen to.

Jay Shetty interviews so many interesting guests, many of whom you’ll have heard of, and even the ones you haven’t still provide plenty of insight and wisdom, which is bound to leave you feeling inspired.
Why I love this podcast: As the title suggests, this podcast is all about living life on purpose. The people he interviews do exactly that and I always find these episodes open up my mind to another avenue of thinking. It’s hard not to take something away when listening to these episodes and I love the questions the conversations they provoke, not just between Jay Shetty and his guests, but the ones I then find myself thinking about and asking others after I’ve finished listening to an episode.
This episode is for you if: You enjoy listening to deep conversations, if you’re looking for something positive to uplift your soul.
I like to listen to this podcast: When I’m in a more serious mood but want something thought provoking and uplifting to listen to. Or even just in the morning as I’m getting ready.
Where to start: Any episode. Either look for an episode title that strikes your interest, or pick one at random, any episode you pick is likely to give you some form of takeaway and words of wisdom.
A Couple of Extras
The Calmer You Podcast

I discovered Brotheridge’s, The Calmer You Podcast, after hearing her speak
The Goop Podcast

You may have already heard of the Goop, wellness and lifestyle brand, founded by actress Gwyneth Paltrow.
as a guest on Kat’s Put Yourself First podcast recently.
I haven’t listened to loads of these episodes yet but the ones I’ve listened to I’ve found to be really helpful and, as the title states, ‘calming’.
Chloe is a hypnotherapist and anxiety expert and her podcast episodes offer guidance and inspiration to help you feel calmer and happier.
It’s probably a great one to start listening to at this time too and I’m looking forward to listening to more of her episodes of the coming weeks.
It’s come up against some controversy from time to time for some of it’s alternative approaches to wellbeing, and in all honesty I haven’t delved too deep into that side of things, so I can’t really comment, but what I can say is that I have been enjoying the podcast.
Although I don’t listen to this one all the time, I’ve found the episodes that I have listened to, to be incredibly interesting, mainly so because of the legendary guests on there.
Two stand out episodes to me, which I would absolutely recommend you listen to are the ones with Oprah Winfrey (that woman is literally a fountain of wisdom) here, and this episode here with spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle.
So there we have it, a roundup of my favourite podcasts right now. I hadn’t expected this blog post to go on quite as long as it did, but what can I say, I enjoy chatting about things that I love. Hopefully you’ll be able to discover some new podcasts from this list and if you have any that you’d like to recommend, then do let me know in the comments below, because as you may have guessed, I’m always on the hunt for new ones to listen to.
Samio x
Great picks! I love Jesus and Jollof. Those ladies are hilarious!!
Aren’t they just! Listening to them always puts me in a good mood! 😀
Samio x
I love a good podcast! I’ll definitely have to give some of these a listen! xx
You can’t beat a good podcast. Hope you discover something new that you enjoy! 😀
Samio x
Thanks for sharing! you have quite a good mix. I’m definitely going check them all out.
Hope you find something new that you enjoy! 🙂
Samio x