Photography by Jess Petrie. Makeup by Chloe Gray
Making dreams a reality
We’ve all had hopes, dreams and thoughts of becoming something in particular at certain points in our life. Many of us still do and some of us actually have become those things that we’ve always dreamed of.
The thing that is important to remember when it comes to actually placing ourselves in these particular roles that we wish for ourselves in life, is that strong desire alone isn’t purely enough to get us there. We also need to act upon these desires in order to get us to where we want to be. I’m sure this all sounds pretty obvious but so many times I’ve seen people mix up intention with action, myself included (and on many occasions).
In the past I’d often sit and daydream about where I wanted to be, I’d even chat to friends about it, without actually making any progress in the process. To want something isn’t enough, you actually have to become it.

Some things are easier said than done, of course, but I’ll use myself as an example with one of the things that I decided to ‘do’. I used to say that I’d like to do modelling but by saying it, it didn’t really get me anywhere until I actually started doing it. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t just get with an agency and start getting booked on jobs right away. Initially I started shooting with photography students who were building their portfolio, then established photographers and then eventually I got with my first agency and starting making a living from it. Regardless of which step of the process I was on, I was modelling from the beginning step and even though I didn’t label myself a model until I started actually working as one, there’s no denying that it was doing it from the off set that helped me to become it.
I’m well aware that this makes it all sound so easy, when you and I both know that it’s not. When it comes to pursuing something that we want in life, at the start it can often feel like there’s such a very long road ahead. I’m not going to deny it, there often is, but, if we never start on that road, we’ll never even begin to get there.
I know that life can get in the way. We have bills to pay, current roles to fulfil and other people in our lives to take care of, but we also need to give a little bit of that time to ourselves; To study, to write, to practice an art, to blog, or to work on whatever it is that we want to do.
You can talk about what you’ll do until you believe it will happen and others start to as well, and that’s fine, there’s nothing like self-assurance and moral support to help get us to where we want to be. But just remember, at the end of it all, you are what you do, not what you say you’ll do…So what are you waiting for?
Good luck!
Samio x

Shop The Look
Amazing amazing post Sammi! And, these photos are gorgeous! xxx
Samio** sorry! Auto correct haha! Xx
Haha not to worry. And thank you Holly! 🙂
Samio xx
That’s right! Actions speak louder than words!
Sincerely Miss J
incredibly inspiring words! I agree 100% with that statement, you are what you do!
so glad you are living what you wanted to do!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
Thank you Pam!
Samio x
This is a very inspiring post! I’ve been having a bit of a rough time with my life path especially when I’m doing everything I need to do to get there without seeing rapid results. These things do take time and patience I guess. Thanks for helping us to keep believing and working hard for whatever we want!
Thanks Stacey. Just keep at it and good luck with everything you’re doing! 🙂
Samio x
These are stunning photos, love the mood. Wishing you the best in achieving your dreams as well dear.
Ah thank you Erica. You too!
Samio x
Wowww!!! Great pics!
You are very elegant, a perfect post ♡
Thank you Maray.
Samio x