I was going to come at you today with a good old fashioned outfit post. By that I mean, in the old style of doing a blog post where I literally just share an outfit and ramble on a bit about it…but then something almost stopped me. I feel what sometimes deters me from posting more frequently is the feeling of not having anything very insightful or eloquently interesting to say.
As my blog has evolved (like many others), so has my writing style and the topics I like to discuss here in this space. Whilst I love my style content and sharing outfits, I now turn to my YouTube channel as a place to frequently share my outfits and styling ideas. It’s meant that over time, whilst I do continue to share style content visually here on my blog, the text has changed a lot, with the writing becoming slightly more topical and hopefully much more engaging too. With that being said, when I don’t feel I have anything very interesting or insightful to write, it puts me off writing at all. I think there’s a saying (I forget who said it), ‘you’re only as good as your last piece of work’. Whilst this can be a great quote to help motivate you to do your best and work harder, for me, I find it has the opposite effect. I often find this one niggling in the back of my mind as I sit down to write and then it puts me off sharing anything at all, if I don’t feel it lives up to what I put out previously.
It’s a silly dilemma to be in, I know. Like I often say about a lot of silly things that people get their knickers in a twist over, ‘it’s not that deep’. I’m well aware this is just a blog but for me this is the little space on the internet that is all mine, and because of that I tend to feel more particular about what I put out on it than on any other platform. However, one thing that I do say a lot is, ‘don’t strive for perfection, instead strive for consistency’. I should really practice what I preach here on my blog too, and remember that it’s okay to keep it simple. So sod my own silly standards that I’m unable to consistently live up to. The reason I started this blog in the first place was to do just that…blog. Be it long meaningful pieces, or just your bog standard light-hearted outfit post.
So I’m taking things back to basics. This space is just as much for me as it is for anyone else reading. When I first started this blog I’d happily type away to my hearts content when I didn’t think anyone was reading, so maybe now that’s what’s the problem (I now know that there is) and I just need to remember why I started blogging in the first place. I’ve always loved writing and sharing content here on my blog but I enjoy it so much more when I ease the pressure off just a bit. So this is just a reminder to myself that not every post has to include my most eloquent piece of writing and sometimes I should still just share the simple outfit posts with a bit of basic chatter, even if it is just for my own cathartic ramblings…and if you enjoy reading that, great, and if not, well, you can always just look at the pictures.
Samio x
Boots – Finery | Jeans – Weekday| Shirt – Gustuz (similar here) | Roll Neck (similar here) | Biker Jacket – Topshop | Bag – Pinko (similar here)

Shop The Look
I really enjoy reading your posts and I love when you sort of advice or reflective posts, but I love the way your writing has evolved from when I first started reading your blog as well. This happens to me too though and I feel like that’s why I’ll never be a daily blogger. I feel like I spend so much time thinking about what content to put out and I’m so picky (probably too picky) with my concepts and what I’ll put out there. Forever working on leaving any perfectionist tendencies at the door.
Julia // The Sunday Mode
I love a more personal blog post Samio! Like you said, this blog is a place for YOU and sometimes as bloggers we can forget that! xxx
First, you look stunning. Going back to basics is always best. It’s the reason that got you where you are in the first place. Do whatever pleases your heart and makes you happy. Have fun with your blog, it’s your blog after all.
Whenever you can I’d love to have you over at my blog http://www.lilyofnigeria.com