A Brief End of Year Farewell
Oh hello there obligatory end of the year blog post. It feels only right that I do one final post before we sign off for the end of 2017. I’ve really, truly got into the festive spirit this year and went into full holiday mode over the past couple of weeks. It’s rare that I switch off completely from my blog, Instagram and YouTube all at once, but that’s what I’ve done these past couple of weeks and to be honest it’s been just dandy. I’ve not thought about content, shooting images and I’ve fallen straight to sleep at night without my head buzzing with ideas. It’s a rarity and I’ve let myself enjoy the period.
I’m only now starting to get that little niggling feeling that’s prompting me to get back into work mode and it’s only natural seeing as we are fast approaching the new year. I still don’t feel entirely ready for it yet though. Time always seems to whizz by quicker than I’d like and before I know it, it’s time to celebrate another New Year’s Eve once again.
On a personal level, this year has been a good year for me. It’s been stressful at times, with our house renovations, it’s been non stop with with all the trips I’ve taken and for the most part it’s been lots of fun. I’ve felt and seen myself evolve a lot, in more ways than one and I’ve been able to do a lot of things that I really wanted to do this year. I’ve proved to myself that I can do the things that I set out to do. I think my motto for this year has become ‘if there’s a will, there’s a way’. Each month has brought along a new adventure, more quality time spent with some of my favourite people and progression in our house renovations – which has been so exciting to see.
I thought I’d share a few of my favourite things about this year to briefly round things up.
Buying my dream pink sofa. I’m going to bring back the most over used acronym of 2012 here and simply say, YOLO.
Eating out all the time. It’s actually bad and something I plan on cutting down on in 2018 but boy, do I love food and I just love eating out and trying new places. If I could even attempt to add up the amount of times I’ve eaten out this year, I’d probably be sick, so I won’t even try. Lets just say, it’s been a lot and I’ve enjoyed every overindulgent mouthful.
I’ve created some of my favourite creative/lookbook videos yet. Two of which you can see here and here.
Towards the end of the year I upped my photography game and finally began to learn how to edit photos. I’ve also got back into taking self portraits, which has been a great way to help me practice and I’m loving the creative process of it.
I got to spend so much quality time with some of my most favourite people…and that leads me onto my next point…
I went on 11 trips abroad in 10 months, which was sort of my new years resolution, if you can call it that. It’s been one of my favourite and most fun achievements as I got to tick off new countries and I also got to go on many of these trips with some of the people I’m closest to, which has just been amazing. I actually dedicated a whole video to this, which you can watch here.
Basically, I’ve had a pretty good year. For the most part what’s made it good is just enjoying day to day life; Getting to work more on creative projects and as a blogger which is something I love, spending time with friends, going out and having fun and getting to enjoy the home that Damien and I have been working on for so long. I feel grateful for what this year has brought and the memories that it will leave me with. So I’ll say goodbye 2017. Thanks for reading and I’ll catch up with you next year!
Samio x

Thanks to Onyi for helping me capture these shots
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